Post Toasty From My High School Friend

    • Hope you are going well. I have over the past weeks been reading bits of your “Rollin with outta colon” blog. But not until today have I had a full opportunity to read it in its entirety as a large thunderstorm is rolling through that prevented us from hiking.

      I am so impressed. To have gotten so sick, but have the ability to be so positive is wonderful. You can take others to a higher level with your positive words of encouragement.

      It must have been so hard for you to have to retire early. Please educate me if you will.(or you can tell me it is none of my damn business) What caused you to get sick and loose your colon. Did you have Crohn’s disease? Was it the drugs you were exposed to as an Anesthesiologist? The body, nutrition and the lymphatic system interest me so much in my life as I keep fit for my body’s well being.

      I could really relate to you getting sick. After looking through your pictures you were very active. I can only imagine as active as I am if I got sick. I am proud of you for turning to photography and for especially not being one of those who just gives up. I have two friends with MS. One who is now well today who fought the disease and so far is winning. And then another who is just given in and does not try to get better and because of it she is now on a walker. Our bodies are amazingly strong machines.

      We spend about three weeks a year in Sedona at least. We have thought of buying a piece of land there to build on one day to have a second home. We just love it there. It is so beautiful. We had a second home in Scottsdale, but luckily during the high times sold it due to increasing crime there.

      Have you ever read any of the books written by Jordan Run? He is a naturopathic dr who almost died. He turned his life around through nutrition. I do not regularly mention this to all, but knew you were into your body.

      I just wanted you to know you encouraged me to want to stay stronger and to keep cheering you on to get stronger.

      Take care of yourself.

  • Cary Gossett

    21 hours ago

    Cary Gossett

    • Libby, thank you so very much. For all of it. Your words are so caring and encouraging, I want to post this on my blog! My 1st trip in years will be to Sedona this Oct. That’s the plan anyway. Have been going there 4-8 wks/year since 1996, with a hiatus beginning 2008. I know about 80 miles of bike trail there as I know the way around my house. So good to reconnect. May you long be plagued with good health. Namaste, C

  • Libby Tjernagel-King

    • That is so kind of you. People are really my heart beat.It meant a lot to me this last month when Rebecca graduated from hs. She gave a speech about loving others with no judging. She said in it she learned by example from her mom and that she has always watched me love others. She went on to say that she has never seen someone relate so well with others. It was very heart filling to me. I just hate how others can treat one another. I think I saw others differently after growing up in a very judgmental society in Amarillo. I am sure you know what I mean.

      Awesome to put it on your blog. It is so true what I said to you. You have a talent of encouragement.

      I am thrilled for you with your first trip to Sedona. I will be cheering for you as you work forward to that date. I love to bike and hike there. We have literally done all the trails in the area. And I know you will have awesome pictures to go along.

      Off to hike before our storms roll in. Take care and great to connect with you again.